Download WindowsRAR from official website

To download Installation Bundle - choose the EXE download option. If you already have an archiver and you can unzip the files, use the zip-compressed option to download WindowsRAR

Скачать архиватор для Windows в формате дистрибутива
Version: 1.1, 6,7 Mb, 28.03.2019
Скачать архиватор WindowsRAR в zip архиве
ZIP-compressed | Version: 1.1, 6,6 Mb, 28.03.2019

WindowsRAR is signed by electronic signature issued to us by the company Simantec

WindowsRAR suitable for opening any archive

The main advantages of the WindowsRAR can be considered its versatility - the ability to work with all popular types of archive files, as well as Free license for the program, Integration into the context menu of Windows Explorer, which allows you to quickly carry out operations to create archives without first launching the program